About Financial Deliverance

Blog Mission

The mission of this blog is to equip you with the financial knowledge and strategies to maximize your wealth and to unlock the most valuable asset that exists, time.

This additional time will allow you to engage in what you perceive to be the most value-added activities in your life.

No matter where you are in your financial journey, whether it be in debt, a net worth close to 0, or a millionaire, this blog will provide great value to you.

Blog Content

The content that I generate will be focusing on all personal finance topics including but certainly not limited to tackling debt, minimizing expenses, saving money, planning for retirement, budgeting, passive income, and wealth building. 

Even though investing is one of the sub categories of personal finance, you may have noticed that I kept personal finance and investing separate. Investing will be a highlighted topic in this blog as I believe it is one of the most invaluable skills in personal finance.  

What Makes This Blog Unique?

One of the ways this blog will separate itself from some of the other blogs you may run into is through the focus of taking a deeper dive into the topics we explore. The quality of each post will be emphasized over the quantity of posts released.

My strong comprehension of many finance, accounting, and investing concepts paired with my meticulous frame of mind and proficient research skills will allow me to deliver you unique and detailed content on a consistent basis.

About the Creator

Hello everyone, my name is Cory. I have earned my master’s degree in accounting with job experience in both public accounting as an auditor and in finance as a budget and finance analyst.

Growing up I always had a particular interest in working with numbers. It was not until college that I realized accounting and finance were my favorite topics as there was little exposure to these topics in the high schools I attended.

A couple of months after starting my job at college I started spending a bit of my free time learning about investing. I started out with exchange traded funds (ETF’s) and as my fundamental analysis skills developed, I slowly transitioned to individual stocks.

So far, in two years I have averaged a 75% annual return on my investments. I will use my foundational academic knowledge, real world accounting and finance experience and investing hobby knowledge to provide you with great content to maximize the benefit you receive from this blog.


Site Navigation

All higher priority pages of the blog will exist at the top of the website in the header. Any page that has content on it will either be located in the header or at the bottom of the website in the footer.

The home page, footer, and the sidebar found on most pages will provide access to blog category pages that serve as segmentation for your experience. If you would like to see all blog posts then the blog page is for you as it lists all blog posts.

Some of the primary pages in the header also exist in the footer to provide ease of access for you. Social media share and connect links are located in each blog post and in the footer on each page of the website.

In the footer under the resources section is both a frequently asked questions page (FAQ) and a sitemap page. The sitemap will layout each of the unique pages that exist on the website as well as posts by category and templates in use.

For all press, guest and sponsored post, affiliate, link, and advertisement related questions please visit and read the contact page.  

If you would like to search the website for something in particular, please note that a search bar exists in the header of the website as well as inside the sidebar to assist you with your search inquiries.

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Personal Finance and Investing Blogger

Providing value to the world by developing high quality and detailed blog posts about everything peronal finance and investing related.

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